From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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Now I've got you!

Now I've got you!

- Game number 13 is a game called Now I've Got You. So this is where, for example, your boss might say "Any problems, you know, do come and tell me. "Do come and ask for help any time." So when you go to the boss and you say, "Oh, I've got this problem," they go, "What? "Oh, I can't believe you did that. "That was really stupid." So basically the games player is pretending to be a rescuer at the start, come to me if there's a problem. And when you go to them as a victim, they don't rescue you. They persecute you. And of course they enjoy persecuting you 'cause it makes them feel one up. So it's a common game that can be played by bosses. But it could be played everywhere. It could be played in a marriage, for example. You might want to make your point and seize on every chance you get to be right. So you could say something like, "You see, "if you kept the house tidy like the way you should be, "then you wouldn't be…
