From the course: Piano Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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15 things to know to play music: Part 1

15 things to know to play music: Part 1

From the course: Piano Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

15 things to know to play music: Part 1

- 15 things you need to know to be able to read music. Number one. (gradually increasing piano music) Playing notes towards the right of the keyboard, is the equivalent of going up. The notes get higher as we play the notes further to the right. The further we go to the left, (piano music gradually getting lower) is the equivalent of going down. As you can hear, the further to the left I go, the lower the notes will be. So it's very important to understand, up and down, your basic directions on the piano. Number two, names of the notes. The entire musical language is made up of seven letters. Let's see what they are on the piano. On your piano you'll see a pattern of two and three black keys, and this pattern is going to repeat itself over and over again. Two, three, two, three. Look for three black keys and after the second one, between the second and third black key, there's a white key. This is A, the first letter of our musical alphabet. A, going on the next one will be B, C, D…
