From the course: Piano Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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15 things to know to play music: Part 2

15 things to know to play music: Part 2

From the course: Piano Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

15 things to know to play music: Part 2

- Now for the F clef, again, does the same kind of thing, the F clef tells us where the note F is, a little lower on the keyboard, okay? And the way you can identify that is, take a look at the, there are three dots of an F clef. The dot where the F line is that starts the hump, and then you have two more dots that go above and below the line, the F line, okay? And now, identifying the F clef notes, let's start from this note over here, and we're gonna read going down. A Fall Down Ball Game. These are the F clef mnemonic notes. A Fall Down Ball Game. A for A, Fall for F, Down for D, Ball for B, Game, okay, for G, I almost forgot that. A Fall Down Ball Game. And again, if we're looking for our notes, if I'm looking for this note over here, I will say, okay, let's jump down, A Fall Down, and right below that D will be that C. Well, fine and dandy, but that only covers about these many notes. What about the rest of the notes above and below? Let's go to number eight. Number eight, ledger…
