From the course: Piano Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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15 things to know to play music: Part 3

15 things to know to play music: Part 3

From the course: Piano Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

15 things to know to play music: Part 3

- Number 12: Rest values. Just as with notes, we also have rests that correspond to the same kind of fraction. Unfortunately, visually, they don't look as clean as a, as the notes do. This is what a whole rest looks like. This is what a half rest looks like. This is what a quarter rest looks like. And this is what an eighth rest looks like. Now, from here on out, when you have eighth rest, and then 16th rest, then you start to see the flag system coming into plays. Kind of a simple way that I used to teach to help recognize the difference between a whole and half rest; a whole rest is hanging upside-down the line, that takes a lot of effort just to hold on. Okay, so that's taking your entire, your whole effort. Whereas a half rest is sitting on top of a line, nice and easy, half the effort. If that visualization helps, be my guest. And a quarter rest just looks like a flying bird, and I used to kind of teach folks how to draw by thinking of a C, a slash, and then a D, but, or…
