From the course: Piano Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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B Section: m. 26-end

B Section: m. 26-end

- Now let's go on to the last section of this piece, okay? It's almost the same as what we just played, but the only difference is, of course, the ending. So let's take a look. (plays piano) All right? Everything's the same up until that point. Now, let's just take a look at where it changes. Ready? So, you're going to end up with your four finger on a G. (plays piano) All right? F sharp. Now, the next note is an E, but instead of using that second finger-- remember that strategy of using your thumb as a pivot point? We're going to put your thumb here. Okay? So one more time. That's going to enable me to reach down for some lower notes here, okay? Next note is a D sharp. C sharp. And again, because we're still in the same measure, the D sharp is implied, so we're going to play the D sharp again. Okay? Now, you have the option of either returning to your thumb, if you like, or play the very next finger over here, four finger. Whatever's more comfortable for you. Let's try it both ways,…
