From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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B for the left hand

B for the left hand

- [Instructor] By now you should know the notes of the left hand C position well. Let's take a look at a new note, B, for the left hand. To find this new note, place your left hand in C position, then move your fifth finger one white key to the left. This B is written on the second line of the bass staff. Now play the exercise slowly as you name the notes. One, two, three, four. C, E, G, B, F, G, C, E, G, B, F, G. Two frequently used chords are C major and G7. The G7 chord uses B in the left hand. Let's practice changing from the C major chord to the G7 chord and back again. Place your left hand on C major. Note that the top note of both chords is G. The top interval in the C major chord is a third. In the G7 chord the top interval is a second. In G7 you'll move your fifth finger from C down to B, and then you'll go back to C with your fifth finger and play the third on top. Now notice above the example the letter name C, G7, and C. These are called chord symbols and you'll find them…
