From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Eighth note triplets

Eighth note triplets

- When three notes are grouped together with the number three either above or below the notes, the group is called a triplet. One eighth note triplet group equals one quarter note. When triplets are in a piece you can count them by saying the word trip-a-let. Amazing Grace uses eighth note triplets in the right hand. I'll play the first few measures for you and count so you can see how the triplets sound. One, two, three and one, (piano music) two, trip-a-let, one, two, trip-a-let, one, two, trip-a-let, one, two. Now let's take a look at the last line of the piece, you'll play to the end of the piece and there you see a repeat sign, this means that you will repeat back to the other repeat on that line. The first time, you'll be playing piano; a soft dynamic level. The second time you'll be playing at a new dynamic level, pianissimo. Which means to play very soft and is represented by the two P's that you see there. Also, the second time your right hand will be one octave higher than…
