From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Intervals: 6ths

Intervals: 6ths

- [Instructor] When you skip four white keys, the interval is a 6th. On the staff, a 6th is written from a line to a space or a space to a line. A 6th above C is A. This is C position, plus one note, A, played with finger five. In this position, right hand finger five plays G or A. Now you can play melodic and harmonic intervals of seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, and sixths with your right hand. (piano music) Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. And harmonic. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. And sixth. This is C position plus one note, A, played with the thumb. In this position, your left hand thumb plays G or A. Now you can play melodic and harmonic intervals of seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, and sixths with your left hand. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. And sixth. And now harmonic. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. And sixth. The warm up for Lavender's Blue uses fifths and sixths. Heres the right hand. (piano music) And the left hand. (piano music) in Lavender's Blue, there's a repeat…
