From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Melodic intervals: 3rds

Melodic intervals: 3rds

- When you skip one white key, the interval is a third. On the staff, a third is written from a line to a line, or a space to a space. Now let's play some thirds on the keyboard. We'll use your right hand and then your left hand. Place your right-hand thumb on middle C, (piano note) go up a third, (piano note) up a third, (piano note) down a third, (piano note) and down a third. (piano note) Now place your left-hand fifth finger on the C below middle C. (piano note) Go up a third, (piano note) up a third, (piano note) down a third, (piano note) and down a third. (piano note) In Thirds, you'll play a melodic third in each measure. One, two, three, four. (piano music) Rock-Along uses only repeated notes and melodic thirds. One, two, three, four. (piano music) This sign is a Quarter Rest. It means to rest, or be silent, for one count. Mexican Hat Dance combines thirds and seconds. And notice that there are Quarter Rests in this piece as well. Remember to lift your hand for the Quarter…
