From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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More about chords

More about chords

- A triad is a three note chord. The three notes of a triad are root, third and fifth. The root is the note from which the triad gets its name. The root of a C triad is C. On the staff, triads in root position, meaning the root is on the bottom will always be written on a line to a line to a line or in a space to a space to a space. Triads may be built on any note of any scale. When you name the notes of any triad in root position, you always skip a letter in the music alphabet in between each note. For example, if you were going to play a triad with C as the root, you would then play E and G. The next triad would be D, F, A. Let's play triads built on the C major scale, first with your right hand. (piano playing) And now the left. (piano chords playing) Music that is based on any particular scale is said to be in the key of that scale. If there are any sharps or flats in the scale, they're shown at the beginning of the music, and that is called a key signature. You'll find a key…
