From the course: Plan Your Next Play in IT

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The application process and trends

The application process and trends

From the course: Plan Your Next Play in IT

The application process and trends

- [Presenter] The employment application process is often the first approach a job seeker makes to an employer, and a job. And while it seems like just another form you have to fill in, it can make or break your chances of getting a job. The application is the critical first gate that must be passed to move more deeply into the hiring process. Understanding the process will help you submit an application that is more likely to get attention of the hiring agent. Knowing about trends in the hiring process will definitely prevent you from being surprised and unprepared. After you identify an interesting job posting, and have determined you're qualified. It's time to start the application process. Typically, the first step is to submit an application form provided by the employer that ask for lots of information. HR, the human resources department might require applications to be submitted, hard copies in person or by mail or emailed, or completed using online forms. What does the future…
