From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Add indexes to a table

Add indexes to a table

- [Instructor] The Browser or Object Explorer pane on the left side of pgAdmin allows you to navigate the contents of different database objects. For instance, we've seen that tables are made up of a number of different things. We have a collection for columns and inside of there are all of the columns that make up the structure of the table. We also have a folder for Constraints. For the products table, there are currently two constraints. One for the primary key, which will ensure that no two rows have the same value in the Product ID column. The other one is the foreign key constraint, which makes sure that values stored in the category ID column can be linked to a valid row in the related categories table. The next collection down in the interface is for Indexes and that's what I want to spend a few minutes talking about now. So what are table indexes? Well, in the real world, you're probably familiar…
