From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Create chart visualizations

Create chart visualizations - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Create chart visualizations

- [Instructor] We're going to create a couple of charts and I want to create some new space for those charts. So I will click the new page button. We get page two, and another blank canvas. Let's begin by choosing fields. In the Fields list I'm going to expand the Item table and choose Category. And Power BI is going to look at the data in that column, say, "All looks like text to me," and it will therefore choose a table as our visualization. And now I'd like to choose information about this year and the prior year sales, and I'll find that in the Sales table. And so I'm going to open up Sales and choose Total Units Last Year and Total Units This Year. And they are added to the table, and there's a scroll bar, which means I don't have enough space to display everything in this visualization. Let's give it a little more running room. If you'd like to see what that looks like, I'm going to just zoom in on that for a second so that you can see how it looks. Category, Total Units Last…
