From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Challenge: Give text a background image

Challenge: Give text a background image - PowerPoint Tutorial

From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Challenge: Give text a background image

(upbeat pop music) - Welcome to the next PowerPoint Challenge. This one is going to be some fun with typography. See this text here? It has a picture in the background and it sums up travel. So what I want you to do is on a new slide, create a brand new word, choose a font, set a picture behind it that represents that word. Have fun with it. You have all the tools that you need to make this happen. So hit the pause button, do your thing, and then when you come back, I'll show you what I'll do. (upbeat jazz music) Welcome back. All right, I'm going to create a new blank slide. And I will create a text box for my word. I think the word I'm going to use is beach, because I did see a nice stock image that I can set as the background for that. So I need to choose a font. I'll choose something quick that's already here. Ariel Black and I will make it very big. As big as I can get away with, I'll select it. In…
