From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Bad things to say to a controller

Bad things to say to a controller

- There are certain things that you should never say to red people. In fact, all the colors have got certain things they don't want to hear. But red people, I think, are particularly sensitive to certain words. There are certain things that really upset them. And if you upset a red person, you're never going to persuade them to do what you want. So the first thing that you shouldn't say is something like, "Give me one good reason why you think that." Because if you get them to repeat their argument, it just strengthens their views and they're less and less likely to agree later on that they were wrong. And I've noticed with some red people that they'll say, "No, I don't want to do that. I'm not interested in that." If you say to them, "Well, have a think about it, and let me know." Quite often the next day, they'll come around and they'll say, "Actually, I've been thinking about that and I think we should do it."…
