From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Be impressed by their knowledge

Be impressed by their knowledge

- We know that people like it if you compliment them, but how do you compliment an analytical person, a blue person? And the key thing with them is not their car, or their power, or their success in life, or any of those things. They're not interested in those things. What they're interested in is their work and their knowledge. So if you want to compliment them, the key thing is to focus on how much they know. If you can say, "Wow, I can't believe you've managed to memorize all 250 ASCII codes," they'll go, "Oh, well, now, that's nothing. That's just part of what I do." "Well, how can you know five different coding languages? That's amazing." "Ah, well, thank you very much." So you got to be interested in their work and impressed by their knowledge. And one of the big things that they want to do is learn. So if you're asking them to do something, if you can say to them, "If you can get involved in this area, I…
