From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
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Explain your problem
From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
Explain your problem
- Now we come to step four. Having built up a relationship with the person, we can then tell them about our problem. Now, a lot of people want to go straight to this step. I've got a problem, I'm not happy but that's not going to work unless you've built up a relationship, got them to like you and understood them and their position first. But at some point you do have to say, well, I've got this problem and it might shock them they may be totally oblivious. So people who are loud or selfish are quite often completely oblivious to what they're doing and how it's affecting other people. So when you say, actually I'm quite unhappy about this they may well say really? So that could happen but that's fine because we're going to come to a solution next but it could also be that those people are aware that they're doing it but they think they're getting away with it. They think that nobody has noticed or they might think,…
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