From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Give and take

Give and take

- Another one of Robert Cialdini's influencing factors is reciprocity. And what this means is that if you do something for somebody else, they will be more likely to do something for you. But it's not in our nature. So when we're children, we have to be taught that if somebody gives you a present you have to give them a present back. We have to be taught to share with other people. But it's been drilled into us from quite an early age that if somebody buys you a present you have to give them a present back. And now that's how the world works. So for example, if somebody buys you a pint in a pub, you have to buy them one back. And in fact, pubs work completely on the idea of buying your round. It's probably the biggest crime that you can commit in a pub is to not buy your round. Because if you have somebody in the group who doesn't buy their round, then what will happen is that nobody will buy them a pint, and then…
