From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
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How to spot a yellow enthusiast
From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
How to spot a yellow enthusiast
- So how can you spot a yellow person? Well, for a start, their clothes may be more flamboyant or more informal. They might well wear a t-shirt underneath their jacket. They might well have untidy hair. They'll probably have an untidy office as well. The red person just has an empty desk, probably made of steel. The blue person has everything neatly organized in their office. But the yellow person just has a shambles of an office. There's probably a tennis racket in the corner or motorbike helmet, that sort of thing. So you can tell by the appearance of their office and the appearance of them as well. They're probably going to be unshaven or whatever. They might be quite cool but they might also just be a total mess. And then they're going to use words which are quite flamboyant as well. So they're going to say it was amazing, it was brilliant. They're quite optimistic. They'll probably be saying, "Yeah, we can do it."…
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Pros and cons of being a yellow enthusiast31s
How to spot a yellow enthusiast2m 17s
A process that yellows enjoy3m 30s
Paint a picture2m 32s
High energy2m 39s
Compared to what?3m 34s
Confront them with facts2m 54s
Questioning2m 7s
Applying the yellow's tips to the six-step process2m 30s