From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Joint problem-solving

Joint problem-solving

- Blue people really like to be involved in solving problems. It's what they live for almost, solving problems. Gives them a sense of purpose, it makes them feel good. So if you've got a problem, rather than solve it yourself and then try to persuade a blue person to do your solution, why not get them to do the work? They will enjoy doing the work and then they will buy into the solution. So if you're trying to get them to wear protective gear, for example, say to them, "This is the problem we've got. It's a little bit dangerous. What sort of protective gear do you think we should have?" Even if you know the answer, if you can get them to come up with the same answer they'll be much more motivated to do it. They'll probably come up with a better solution than you because they're going to be really thorough. They're going to analyze all of the options. So let them do it. Or work with them. Say to them, "Let's sit down…
