From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Make it quick and easy for them

Make it quick and easy for them

- The next thing about persuading a red person to do something is to make it really quick and easy for them. I've got a couple of examples of this: a small one and a big one. Now the small one, I already mentioned, and this is the fan heater at work. If you want a fan heater, don't say to your red boss that you're cold 'cause they didn't really care about that. And don't say, I want a fan heater 'cause they're thinking, oh, I'm too busy to buy a fan heater. Say to them, "I've done lots of research. This is the best one. I filled in the form. All you have to do is sign it." That red manager can just sign the form, and the problem goes away. So that works really well for that type of boss. And by the way, something I haven't said at all is there's no gender assigned to red managers. So you can absolutely get red women as well as red men. I think blue people do tend to be more male than female, but you do get female…
