From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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- Now one way to persuade somebody to do something is to negotiate with them, to offer them something in return, and I think with red people, as a last resort, you can offer to negotiate. And red people are absolutely up for negotiating. If you make it worth my while, if you want to pay me, then I'll do stuff for you. And that sounds quite mercenary to other colors but to red, it's just convenient. We both win, you give me money, I do what you want, it's fine. So red people are absolutely up for negotiating. But why do I say it's a last resort? And the answer is because it costs you. If you can persuade someone to do something without paying them, that's much better than saying "I'll pay you if you do it." And remember, we're not talking just money. Negotiation might be "If you do this for me, I'll do that for you." and then you're having to pay in terms of time. So it is a way to get something resolved and it could…
