From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Social proof

Social proof

- How would you persuade a 10 year old child to eat broccoli? Now you could shout at them, you could force it into their mouth, those would be push types of influencing and they're not going to work, are they? They're just going to spit it out again. So the way you would persuade a 10 year old child to eat broccoli is you would show them an 11 year old eating broccoli, especially if it was an 11 year old who they thought was really cool, who they looked up to. They would think, "Well, if he or she's eating the broccoli, then so will I." And this is something called social proof, if other people are doing it, it must be all right, and it applies to much more than 10 year old children. So for example, if I'm talking to a local council about doing some training, if I can say, "I already do this for three other councils", they immediately say, "Oh well, in that case, it's going to be fine." Because if other people are doing…
