From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
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Suggest a solution
From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
Suggest a solution
- Now we come to step five of the six steps. And this is where you suggest your solution. And the key really is to make it easy for them. So, I mentioned earlier on the example of being cold in the office and wanting a fan heater. Now, it's definitely bad to just say I'm cold. It's much better to say I'm cold and I'd like a fan heater. But imagine if you said to your boss, I'm cold. I'd like a fan heater. I've investigated fan heaters, and this is the best one. And the cheapest place you can buy it is here. And I've already filled in the order form and everything. All you have to do is sign it. You're much more likely to get that. 'Cause if you just say I want a fan heater, the boss is thinking, I can't be bothered to go and find a fan heater. So, make it easy for them. Have everything ready for them. And you're much more likely to get it. So, suggest a solution that's easy for them. And is all fully formed and completely…
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