From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Taking your time

Taking your time

- Now we know that mirroring is really important for everyone. And it is particularly important I think for the green person. So if they want to take their time to make a decision, you absolutely must let them take their time. If they want to get to know you before they make a decision, then you have to do that. So if you're a red person, you might be tempted to try to push them, "Come on, just decide." "Do you want to do this or not?" But actually that's not going to work. They're not going to be a pushover. So all you're going to do, if you put pressure on a green person, is make them uncomfortable. You're going to make them dislike you. And if they dislike you, that will be that. You won't get what you want. So you have to let them take their time and make their decision. And that might feel quite stressful if you're a pushy, red, controller, but that's how it is. So I've got one customer, who really really…
