From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Talk in their style, not yours

Talk in their style, not yours

- With all of the colors, the best way to communicate with them is to mirror their particular style. So with a blue person, you want to mirror their calm, methodical, detailed style. So you should always have an agenda if you're going to have a meeting with them, and if you're emailing them, you'll want to probably bullet point your points or number your points. It all needs to be very structured. And you'll know that they will be saying to you, "As per my last email, I have three more questions." So when you reply, you should say, "Concerning your three questions, the answer to the first one is..." And if you don't answer all three, they will notice and that will upset them. "Well, you haven't answered point number three." So make sure you cover every detail when you're dealing with them. Don't worry about sending them quite a long email because they want to know everything. So mirror the words they use as well,…
