From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate
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From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate
- Hey, congratulations! You've completed this course. You now have a solid foundational knowledge for real estate investing. You understand the key concepts of investment analysis and you can now perform a rental income analysis. You understand what makes a good investment. And why you need to use multiple measures of returns in order to properly compare and evaluate different investment opportunities. You understand how taking on debt or leverage could either help or hurt your investment. You also understand the real estate market cycle, its phases and how to tell which phase we might be in right now. Now this course was never meant to be a comprehensive course covering everything about real estate investing. It was meant to get your feet wet so you probably have more questions now than when you first started. For those of you that want to continue your learning journey for real estate investing, I encourage you to check out my other real estate investing courses here on LinkedIn or…
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