From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate
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Discount rate - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate
Discount rate
- But what is the actual discount rate, the rate that we're going to discount the future cashflows back? There are two different ways that a lot of people look at it. For what you may have heard out there if you've ever heard about discount rates is you're going to hear this concept called the weighted average cost of capital. And that's something that a lot of firms use as a starting point to calculate their discount rate, which is just how much did it cost them to borrow or to get that capital that they're now considering making this investment with? And that could be if it's from a bank, there's a interest rate on that loan that they're getting. Or if they have investors, there's some kind of a minimum return that they're expected to give the investors and the weighted average between the two gives them their weighted average cost of their capital. But then for the discount rate, usually what people want to do is to also factoring things like risks and opportunity costs so that the…
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What makes a good investment?1m 48s
Discounted cash flow and the net present value (NPV)5m 37s
Discount rate2m 42s
NPV demonstration7m 34s
Measuring efficiency: Internal rate of return (IRR)2m 34s
IRR demonstration4m 24s
Measuring magnitude: Cash multiple1m 58s
How to use the measures6m 3s
NPV vs. IRR4m 51s
The terminal value of an indefinitely held rental5m 53s
Investment yields and capitalization rates8m 38s
Measures of return summary7m 49s