From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate

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Meet Joe

Meet Joe

- All right, let's get into the example now. We're going to take a look at a hypothetical involving Joe, but we're going to use real market data. And I'm going to introduce you to quite a few concepts here. And if you have no real estate background, which is the case for many of you, then it's going to all be new to you. But don't worry, we're going to cover everything in much greater detail in the rest of the course. This is just to give you a good feel for the thinking process. So just follow along, and if there's something that you don't get right away or just doesn't click, know that we're going to cover it later, and you're going to understand it later, all right? So let's dive in. Meet Joe, he is a young working professional, living in Las Vegas, as you can tell from his hipster glasses. And he wants to invest in real estate. He's been saving up some cash, and he feels that the time is right for him to start building his own real estate portfolio. Now, he originally had…
