From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate

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- Hey, welcome again! I just want to take a quick moment to introduce myself and give you a quick overview of what you can expect in this course, who it's for and how you should take it in order to get the most out of your learning experience. Hi, my name is Simon Hee and I am an investor, broker, and realty consultant based out of Los Angeles, California. Now I've worked on over 400 million in real estate deals throughout my career. I've worked on deals both large and small, from single unit rentals that were less than $50,000 to (recording skips) deals that were worth over 100 million in completion va- (recording skips) I am also a best-selling online real estate instructor with over 140,000 enrollments from students from across nearly 200 countries. Now, from my experience, if there's one thing I can tell you about real estate investing is that there is a lot to cover, and this course is not going to be able to cover everything there is to know about real estate investing. But we will cover the most important concepts to give you a solid footing or first step into investing, and we're going to touch on many topics, but we're just not going to go incredibly deep in it. Some of those topics are going to be reserved for more advanced courses. But by the end of this course, you're going to have a firm grasp of the most important concepts, foundational concepts for real estate investing, and you will be able to know where within real estate investing you might want to start your own journey. Now this course is designed for students with little to zero real estate investing background. If you already have significant experience, this course isn't for you. At best, this course may serve as a quick review. So if you have a lot of experience, I encourage you to check out my more advanced courses, such as the How to Evaluate Real Estate Investment Opportunities that goes into much greater detail looking at numerous investment scenarios as well as advanced deal structuring when it comes to investing along with business partners. How do you do that? We're going to start off with an example that will get your feet wet. However, there's going to be terms that are going to be thrown at you that you might not understand completely yet. Don't worry. Anything that you don't understand we're going to be going over in much greater detail later in the course. Now there is going to be math involved. To properly consider your investment options in real estate, you have to be able to look at the numbers. There's no way around it. But don't worry. We're going to go through the most important numbers systematically, starting with some of the easier ones, working our way to more advanced ones, and all with examples that you're going to follow along so that you can have a firm understanding of those concepts. Now to take, to get the most out of this course, take it in order and follow along and try to do the exercises as much as you can. The more you do that, the better you're going to learn. All right, let's get started.
