From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate

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The recovery phase

The recovery phase

- We know what a recession looks like. We've been through one of the worst since The Great Depression. We had high unemployment, decreased consumption. We had decreased investments made by companies into things like new buildings, or new factories, and new office space, new machinery. The price of land, which is essential for economic activity, was at its lowest point in the cycle. Now, in the recent market crash, which bottomed out in about 2011 for most markets in the US, we've been on a consistent and steady recovery ever since. In fact, as you've seen, some markets are almost already back to their 2006 peak level highs, in terms of property values. This recovery is typically further-fueled by government intervention in the form of lower interest rates, which is exactly what happened, because we've been have experiencing near-historical lows for the past decade, in terms of interest rates. And this shortens the impact and duration of the recession, and really speeds up the…
