From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate

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Which property will Joe choose to buy?

Which property will Joe choose to buy?

- [Instructor] All right, so after getting excited about looking at different cities that he might invest in, Joe decides to be more conservative, and he's going to make his first investment in and around his hometown of Las Vegas and set. So, here what we're looking at is a rating of the neighborhoods in and around Vegas. Right here is where the Vegas Strip is, if you see right here, but to the North and West of it, these are generally considered the more desirable markets or neighborhoods, and you see that as you go more West and a little bit more North here, Northwest of the strip tends to be the more upscale neighborhoods, your Summerland here, that's known to have better schools, lower crime. Here is where downtown Las Vegas is, and historically has been pretty bad. Very run down, very old, but in recent years, just really within the last decade or so since the downturn, there's been quite a bit of redevelopment here. There are lots of upgraded casinos in this area, there are…
