From the course: Print Production: Choosing Paper

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Paper and sustainability

Paper and sustainability

- Have you ever wondered what kind of impact your paper spec has on the environment? If you have, I'd like to help you have a clearer understanding of how to reduce your impact on the environment by choosing paper made with responsibly sourced fiber. To get there, I want to take a look at paper making and it's general environmental impact. While doing this, I want to help you build fluency with terms and definitions that should help you source papers with the best environmental pedigree. First, let's take a look at the paper making process, the input materials, and the specific categories of papers that are made to the highest environmental standards. Making paper is a resource intensive process. Most pulps are made from natural fibers harvested from trees. And the process to get them to a usable state requires huge amounts of water, energy, and chemicals. In fact, pulp and paper manufacturers are one of the largest users of water worldwide. That said, the pulp and paper industry has…
