From the course: Privacy, Governance, and Compliance: Data Classification and Inventory

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How can data classification help you?

How can data classification help you?

- When I started one of my earliest data governance programs, I got two flavors of complaints from C-level leaders. First, they would tell me, we have so much data. We've always had so much data, and there's not been a problem so far, so why do we need a program now? Second, they would tell me, we have way too much data already. Is it just too late? You do not want a decision around data governance slowed down by analysis paralysis, nor can you keep hoping for some magical bullet to appear somewhere down the road to slay this dragon of indecision. Your response to the C-suite should be that data governance is about maturing as an organization and moving from uncertainty to risk. Let's look at the risk v. uncertainty trade off. Uncertainty can paralyze you. Using data governance, you can convert uncertainty into quantifiable and measurable risk. Then, you can neutralize risk. First by identifying it, quantifying it,…
