From the course: Privacy, Governance, and Compliance: Data Classification and Inventory

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What is data inventory?

What is data inventory?

- [Instructor] Data inventory is exactly what it sounds like. It is a record, an inventory of data across all your storage systems. This image gives you a sense of what data inventory entails. Think of it this way, conducting an inventory of your data is like starting with a messy and mixed stack of books and then arranging them slowly in a library. The goal is to end up with a collection of books that is searchable and therefore usable. There are additional intricacies to consider when you inventory your data from a technical standpoint. The most effective way to meaningfully inventory data is to tag it such that you will know not only what the data is but also the risk the data carries. The good news here, and this is good news, is that you can use the data classification exercise we just completed as a starting point for the data tagging process. In order to use your data classification or tag data in your systems, you…
