From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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MIDI control features

MIDI control features

to various controls and options Now the available functions in the MIDI controls section include: Wait for Note, the Metronome, MIDI Merge mode, The Wait for Note option is used primarily for MIDI recording workflows. When the Wait for Note button is engaged, recording does not begin until a MIDI event is received. This means that a MIDI record pass will not begin until you start to play on a selected controller and insures that the first MIDI event is recorded precisely at the beginning of the record range. with a click track, and controls whether or not the click will be audible. Note that metronome playback requires a click track or other click source to be configured in your session. To modify the click settings, Then select the desired settings and click OK. The Countoff controls here in the transport window are used in conjunction with the click track and the Metronome button. When the Countoff button is selected, or highlighted, before playback or recording begins depending on…
