From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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Solution: Using virtual instruments

Solution: Using virtual instruments

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] So here's how the completed session should look. Let's walk through how to get there. I'll start by opening the DHY Remix 03 session. Then I'll switch to the mix window by pressing command equals, or control equals on Windows. In this window, I'll display my first set of inserts, by choosing View, Mix Windows Views, Inserts A through E. Then I'll do the same thing again to display my first set of sends. View, Mix Windows Views, Sends A through E. Next, I'll assign the expand to virtual instrument, to the first horns track, Horns Part one, by clicking on insert selector A, and choosing multichannel plug-in, instrument, expand to. Here we're seeing a bunch of other virtual instruments that are installed on this system. But expand to is one of the virtual instruments that comes with Pro Tools. So it's available to you once you've run the installer. Next, in the expand to plugin window, I'll click on the librarian menu. Here where it says Factory Default, and…
