From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Editing with fades

Editing with fades

- By now, you're probably using fades and crossfades on your audio clips for a variety of purposes. Let's take a moment to look at the options available in the Fades Dialogue Box to help with creating fades. I'll also show you some ways you can modify your fades after applying them to fine tune the results. To demonstrate fade functionality, I'll copy a section from the bass track and paste it on to the drums track. Now, here I can use the Fades Dialogue Box, The Main Window shows the outgoing waveform from the drums clip, and the incoming waveform as separate left and right channels. Clicking the speaker icon here at the top begins an audition across the fade. (drums) - You can also press the space bar with this dialogue open for this purpose. - Now, clicking this x up here hides the waveforms but I don't find that very useful. The button beneath it displays them again. the outgoing and incoming waveforms so you can get a visual idea of how they interact with one another. If you'd…
