From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Evaluating a session

Evaluating a session

- [Instructor] When you sit down to begin mixing a session that you're not familiar with, the first task is to figure out what you're facing. A good place to start is to evaluate the track arrangement and get an overview of the session's status. Here, I'm looking at the mix window for a version of the "Crash Down" session by The Pinder Brothers. So let's get an overview of what this session entails. Now, each track in the mix window displays a track type icon at the bottom that can help you to quickly get acquainted with the track layout. The very first track here is the drums VI. So this is an instrument track which is using the expand-to virtual instrument on insert A. Instrument tracks are recognizable by the keyboard icon here. The next set of tracks, Drums, Drum Loop, Bass, and Keys are all audio tracks, as indicated by the waveform icon here. Next, we have three Piano tracks. These are all MIDI tracks, which you can recognize by the MIDI five-pin connector icon. Those three…
