From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Working with automation

Working with automation

- [Narrator] Earlier I used the automation window to enable automation parameters and I demonstrated writing dynamic volume changes on a track. Here, I'd like to show you some related functionality. Let's start by returning to the automation window for a moment. Now, before we proceed, I'll just mention that I'm using standard Pro Tools at the moment. If you're running Pro Tools Ultimate software the automation window will be larger and we'll include additional controls at the bottom for advanced automation features. But those aren't the subject of this discussion. So in addition to the right enabled buttons here in the automation window, the window also has a suspend button up here at the top. Activating the suspend button will cause all of your tracks to temporarily ignore their existing automation and they'll also ignore their current automation mode. So if I play back now, (upbeat music) the fader on this track…
