From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Working with meter changes

Working with meter changes

This material may be some initial scratch tracks, an imported loop or two, or an unfinished project that you started months ago. Whatever the situation, you'll want to set up the session properly before doing more work to set up the session properly before doing more work to ensure that the session is easy to navigate and modify. Here's a little song snippet that I've toyed around with for a while. Let's have a listen. (upbeat beachy music) So I'm thinking I might want to elaborate on what's here with some additional parts, but before I do any more recording, I want to make sure that I'm using an appropriate click and that the bars beats ruler correctly matches the music. In this performance, there's a dropped beat in two of the measures and as a result, the bars beats ruler gets out of sync. The problem occurs around bar 13 and again around bar 19. Let's have a listen to that first spot. (upbeat beachy music) Right…
