From the course: Producing Podcasts

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Choosing show elements

Choosing show elements - Audacity Tutorial

From the course: Producing Podcasts

Choosing show elements

- [Instructor] Have you ever listened to a podcast or radio show that didn't have sounds or music present in them? Right, I didn't think so. All podcasts can benefit from music or sounds that can audibly separate or set off segments or sections of your show. Let's learn about how to use music and sounds in your episodes and how to select them. When choosing music, you can use sites such as PremiumBeat or to select pod-safe music. This is music that you can purchase the license for and use freely once purchased. Do not use music or sounds that you are not licensed to use. Select music that fits the theme of your show. For example, choosing upbeat pop for a somber topic is not a good idea. I often recommend that you start by listing to the types of music you enjoy and then also assigning descriptive terms to the music, upbeat, inspiring, serious, confident, et cetera. The sites mention will allow you to…
