From the course: Producing Podcasts

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Finding a room to record in

Finding a room to record in - Audacity Tutorial

From the course: Producing Podcasts

Finding a room to record in

- [Instructor] Believe it or not, if you try to use a $10,000 studio condenser microphone in a noisy, tiled restaurant, you're probably not going to get a good recording for your podcast. Let's take time to understand why the room you record in will greatly affect your recording, and how to select the room. Sound moves around a room, and the microphone you use will likely pick up more sounds than just your voice. It is important to follow these guidelines when selecting or treating a room to record in. First, it must be quiet. Spend a few minutes listening to your room when it is silent. Turn off the HVAC if you can. Avoid traffic noise, both inside and outside of your building. Avoid computer fan noise by using a computer that has a quiet fan. And then secondly, try to find a dry acoustic. This is usually a room that has both absorption and diffusion of sound. You can achieve this by having carpet on the floor…
