From the course: Producing Podcasts

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Mastering your finished podcast episode

Mastering your finished podcast episode - Audacity Tutorial

From the course: Producing Podcasts

Mastering your finished podcast episode

- [Instructor] People will listen to podcasts everywhere. They listen in the car, while they're working out, while they're cooking dinner and walking down the street. That's the main benefit of a podcast. But those different environments have varying levels of background noise. Mastering is the final step in the podcast recording process. And it will help you create a podcast episode that will be able to be heard well in any environment. In order to master our episode, we first need to export the finished mix out of Descript. To get the final mix, we're now going to go up to this Publish button up here. And we're going to select the export side of that. And we're going to go to advanced settings. We want to export the current composition. You see there are other options here. But we want the current composition. We want the quality to be in MP3. Two channels, so stereo, especially if we have music. A sample rate of…
