From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Adding a video camera to record yourself

Adding a video camera to record yourself

- If you'd like to improve the video quality for your podcast there are many ways to go about this. Of course you could buy a better web camera, but web cameras do have their limitations. Sure, an external webcam is likely better than the built-in one that comes on your laptop or computer, but even those are only so good. If you own something like a DSLR camera, you may be able to step up your game a bit, with some extra hardware. Instead of buying a better web camera, buy an HDMI video interface that allows you to connect a professional or semi-professional camera to your computer. Now, there's a lot of these out there from companies like Elgato, and Black Magic, and many choices depending upon your needs. I'm going to use one here called the ATEM Mini. Now, this particular one has four inputs. You'll see buttons here for one, two, three, four inputs. This means I can actually have multiple cameras. Maybe you want…
