From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Editing a screencast on a PC

Editing a screencast on a PC

- Now that we've got the file captured into Camtasia, I'm going to save it under a new name. I like to keep an original copy in case I do something wrong. I like that original record to be its own project file, and then I save it again. This does take up more media, but it's just a nice safety step. So we'll choose File, Save As, and I'll give this a name of B and then choose the same location as before. There we go. And I'll save that, there we go. Now what we need to do is some basic editing. Couple things to change here. First up, let's check the Project Settings. It's currently 1080p, so that's good. And if I click the video track here, I see that it's captured that at 100%. We can zoom in if we need to. Let's select the video clip here and I want to scale that up a little bit. So in this case, we're going to take that up to 100%. Press Return. And we'll just center this with zeroing it out. There we go.…
