From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Importing audio files into Adobe Audition

Importing audio files into Adobe Audition

- Let's explore the process of editing an audio podcast. Now, depending upon the tool you use, the interface may look a little bit different but the workflow is pretty much exactly the same. That's not to say that one audio editor is exactly like another, but the workflow is extremely similar. Let's go ahead and get started here. One of the first things you'll need to do after launching your audio editor, in this case, I'm using Adobe Audition, is you'll need to bring in the files. Earlier, we recorded a short interview with Robert Vannelli. So I'm going to bring those files in. I'll click here and choose to import files. And I'll go to the exercise file folder and audio. And in the clean audio, you see we have split track recording. When we recorded this interview, each of the voices was recorded to its own track. This worked quite well because it makes it easier to clean up. There might be a cough or some background…
