From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Key podcasting terms

Key podcasting terms

- I'd like to cover a couple of pieces of key terminology, so we're on the same page, that you understand language of podcasting. We've already addressed RSS feeds, but you'll see a lot of other buzzwords out there when you talk to podcasters. As you could see, here's a word cloud, and these are some of the typical things associated with podcasting. RSS and feed is certainly quite popular, but you'll also notice in there the word aggregator. An aggregator is important to understand. This is the software that's used to pull down the podcast. It's also called an RSS reader, a newsreader, a pod catcher, or perhaps a podcast app. This software program is going to check on a regular basis to see if there's new content to what you subscribed to. And if it encounters it, will either notify you or, depending upon your settings, automatically download. The aggregator is also capable of creating a consolidated view of all of your…
