From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Optimizing your feed with FeedBurner

Optimizing your feed with FeedBurner

- Earlier, I mentioned a service called FeedBurner from Google. It's a very old service that actually predates Google, but what it does is helps optimize the RSS feed. It's good for fixing common problems automatically. Another thing it lets you do is change hosting companies. Think of it like a PO Box. If your podcast host is directly submitting your podcast and then that podcast host goes out of business, or you need to switch companies for one reason or another, iTunes and other directories don't give you an easy way to change your RSS feed to a new source material. You would think that this would be simple but it's surprisingly hard. One of the benefits of FeedBurner is that it functions as an intermediate. So if you need to, you can go in and optimize the feed before it's redirected. You can also use services like Cloudflare for this as well which is very popular for blogs. Now, what we're looking for here with…
