From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Testing the podcast feed

Testing the podcast feed

- Your podcast host will likely take care of submitting the podcast to services, like iTunes and others for you, but you can actually test your feed out. We're going to talk a little bit more about the feed itself, but if your service has generated the RSS feed, here's how you can test it using Apple's Podcast app or iTunes, if you're on a PC. The process is very similar. What you'll want to do is go to the File menu and choose Add a Show by URL. You can now paste the URL into this dialog. Here, I've pasted the feed for the Photo Focus Podcast, and I'll click Subscribe. Now we can check. If it works, you'll be able to see the episodes in your service that you are successfully subscribed. You can also check that RSS feed in some web browsers or other applications. So it's not a bad idea. Now, I recommend testing the feed before you go through the submission process. This way you can see the experience and potentially…
